lighting shots

The lighting creates a representation of darkness which could suggest sadness.This is because the lighting is dark and nothing is in the light which creates darkness and shadow over the whole of the picture.

The lighting shows a representation of fear because you can`t see the whole of the face and the expression on the face could suggest that he might be scared. Shadow is also created under his eyes and face.

The lighting shows a representation of happiness because of the expression on his face and also because the lighting is focused on his face which makes it look brighter.

The lighting shows a representation of seriousness because the lighting is only on half his face, also the expression on his face looks serious.

The lighting shows a representation of mystery because his whole face is in darkness so you can`t see how he is looking so it creates mystery because you can only see the light behind him but the rest of it is in shadow and darkness.

The lighting shows a representation of horror because the lighting creates a shadow behind the picture so you can see the outline of the face behind, this creates horror because it makes it seem like someone is looking from behind.


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