opening sequences ,M-E-S and titles of films

In the opening sequence we see a young girl in the snowy mountains who kills a deer with a bow and  arrow and later shoots it. we see that the girl is alone and no one else seems to be with her in the deserted woods in the mountains

The M-E-S that is used is for the shot angle there are long shot and mid shot. The positioning is in the centre because when we see the deer run off it is in the middle of the shot and when the girl chases the deer, the camera moves with her so that she stays in the middle. The costume that the girl is wearing is made to look with it is cold and snowy because she has snow in her hair and on her hood which shows that it has been snowing.

The titles that are included are the titles of the actors and the title of the director as well as the title of the film.

Casino royale 
In the opening sequence we see a man go up a lift and down stairs into a dim lit room where he does not realise that James Bond is in there. It then jumps to Bond beating up and fighting in a room that is more well lit and what looks like a bathroom. This can help to foreshadow what happens later in the movie.

The M-E-S that is used is the lighting goes from being black and being only dimly lit to much lighter and brighter light. The costume of bond and the actors is smart because they are wearing suits. The expressions of the characters show that they are serious because of the conversation that they were having.

The only title that is shown in the clip is the title.

Saw IV
In the opening sequence we see a man and a women locked underground in cages with devices on their heads, we see a TV screen telling them instructions on how to save each other with a timer in the background, as the time continues the device that is attached to their heads tighten and makes their scull bleed.

The M-E-S that is used is dark and shadowy lighting that creates a sense of horror and terror. The props that are used is a an axe and a knife along with a timer and the device that it attached to their heads with chains. The expression on both of the actors faces shows fear and that they are frightened and stressed because of the way that they are speaking to each other and the looks of their face. The positioning of the actors vary because they start of in the corner but the camera angle moves round so they are more in the centre.

The titles that are included are the production company and also who the film is by.

The dark knight
In the opening sequence we first see a birds eye shot of a city and then it jumps to a man lying on the floor that is being threatend by a man wearing a clown mask we see the man walk away after telling the man lying on the ground that he is going to kill him.

The M-E-S that is used is the costume is smart because the man wearing the clown mask is wearing a suit and so is the man lying on the ground. Some of the props that are used are an old and abandoned school bus and a gun. The expression of the man with the clown mask on is unclear to see but the expression of the man on the ground is shock and horror because he feels helpless.

The titles that are included is the film making company and the credits of the people involved in making the film.

Guardians of the galaxy
In the opening clip we see dialogue between the characters and also baby groot dancing, he appears to be unaware of what is going around him and is shown as being a funny and innoccent character. we are introduced to all the characters and it helps the audience to understand what happens later on in the movie.

The M-E-S that is used is the costume and make up are done using a computer and the lighting and colours are bright to make it look like a fantasy and to create mystery. the setting of the clip is done in a studio. The expressions of all the characters are happy because it makes it seem like they are in a dream world.

There are no title that are in the clips, the effect of this show that the movie is action packed and fast paced

Sixth sense 
In the opening scene we first see a light bulb gradually turn on with a women walking down some stairs into a cellar, we see the women pause before taking a bottle of wine from the wine rack.

The M-E-S that is used is the lighting is very dark which could suggest that it is at night or in the evening because there is no light so we cannot fully see what is happening. The props that are included are a rack of wine, the posting of the wine is in the foreground so it is more focused on than the women because it seems as if it is being filmed from behind or inside the wine stand.

The titles that are in the opening scene is the film production company and the makers who helped produce it, the cast and the main actors are also included. The title of the movie is also included.


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