
Showing posts from September, 2017

opening sequence and editing - Spectre

The theme that I think the opening scene of Spectre has is horror because of the title and the way that everyone is celebrating the dead and wearing skull and skeleton masks. editing techniques: jump cut eyeline match smash cut J cut ? establishing shot I think that it follows the theory of  Equilibrium because from the start it has a theme of horror and it continues throughout the video when James bond shoots a gun. A theme of suspense is also created because of when he runs across the roof of the building.

Titles - Diamond runner

WWW: The word `Diamond` stands out more so it draws more attention to the eye because it is bigger and it is also bold. EBI:  have a background so that it is more interesting. WWW: The text is effective at creating an atmosphere. EBI: Have the words different sizes and maybe different fonts so that it is more interesting. WWW: Effective look because it is taken looking through a diamond. EBI: The text is more clear because it could be confusing to read. WWW: The setting helps to create an atomosphere and the nazi flag could hint about what happens. EBI: Take the picture so that it is more straight and not on an angle. WWW: The title is clear and works well because it merges in with the rest of the picture. EBI: Take the picture so that it has less shadow. I think that this is the most effective because it is clear that it is about a runner and the title works well when it is disguised in with the headband because it makes it loo

lighting shots

The lighting creates a representation of darkness which could suggest sadness.This is because the lighting is dark and nothing is in the light which creates darkness and shadow over the whole of the picture. The lighting shows a representation of fear because you can`t see the whole of the face and the expression on the face could suggest that he might be scared. Shadow is also created under his eyes and face. The lighting shows a representation of happiness because of the expression on his face and also because the lighting is focused on his face which makes it look brighter. The lighting shows a representation of seriousness because the lighting is only on half his face, also the expression on his face looks serious. The lighting shows a representation of mystery because his whole face is in darkness so you can`t see how he is looking so it creates mystery because you can only see the light behind him but the rest of it is in shadow and darkness.

opening sequence and representation- silkworms

  COSTUME. costume in this shot shows that the character could be dangerous because he is wearing all black which shows that he could be trying to be secretive. The fact that it is also nightime also suggests that he could be dangerous because it creates suspense. COSTUME. The character is dressed to act like she doesn`t care because she is wearing old and baggy clothes which could suggest that she doesn`t care about her appearance or the way that she looks. The costume could also suggest that she is an innocent and vulnerable character because it makes the audience feel sympathy for her. COSTUME. The character is dressed quite eccentrically and unusually because of the colors that she wears. Also the fact that she smoke also adds to her character because it makes her seem like a funny and likable character. HAIR AND MAKE UP. The hair and make up of this character is shown to make her look like she has messy hair and is an old character. The messy hair coul

LFD and M-E-S stranger things and the killing

 ELEVEN is introduced as being a mysterious and a strange character. This is demonstrated through her shaved head and the tattoo that is on her wrist. It is also demonstrated through when we are first introduced to her when she is found in the woods after Will has gone missing. We also know that she is quite a shy and unconfident  character because she doesn`t talk and uses her tattoo to communicate. NANCY is introduced as being a popular and sociable teenager who is focused on her boyfriend and doesn`t care about anything else. This is shown through when we are first introduced to her when we see her talking over the phone to her boyfriend while Dustin is trying to talk to her but she just ignores him.The fact that she ignores everyone but her boyfriend shows that she might be a confident character.  JOYCE , wills mum is introduced as being a caring and protective. This is shown through the way that she acts when will goes missing. This can also be shown through the expre

opening sequence and M-E-S -Baby driver

                                   BABY DRIVER                                              POSITIONING. The positioning of this shot shows the three people are working undercover because of what they are wearing. You can also tell that they are working together because they are wearing the same things. This creates a sub genre of secrecy because they are all wearing things that cover their face and mouth. EXPRESSION. The expression on the womens face shows that she is shocked or suprised by something.because it looks like she is gasping also she is not looking at the camera which could show that she is distracted by something. This creates the sub genre of shock and surprise because of her expression on her face. PROPS.The prop that has been used in this shot is a car. This helps to create the sub genre of action because of the car chase and it creates suspense and action because of the past pace and the speed. SETTING. The setting in this shot is of a long

genre and cinematography

  the genre in this shot shows horror. This is shown through the close up because you can only see part of the tree so it creates horror because we want to know what is behind the tree. I think that the focus on the tree is good and went well but i think that i could improve the shot by making sure that it doesn't have a cone in the background so that it is more clear and has a better background.   The genre in this shot is spy becuase you can't see the whole body and the person is looking through the window so the person outside doesn't know that they are spying on them. To make this photo better i think that the focus should more outside so we can see that they are spying because the focus is on the person looking not on the thing that being spyed on. The genre in this shot is musical. This is shown through the piano and the close up on the piano keys because it shows that music is being played. To make this shot better i think that the photo should have been ta

cinematography homework

 The shot angle is a long shot of a corridor in hospital. The focus is not on anything in particular but you can see people at the end of the corridor who are out of focus. This is effective because  it can be used to represent mystery or uncertainty because you don`t know what the people are talking about and you don`t know who they are. It is effective because you can see how long the corridor is and the people at the end look small which shows that it is far away. The focus in this shot is on the row of empty hospital chairs. This is   effective because you cant`t see anyone in the shot which gives the shot the represetation that the  hospital is empty and deserted, this is also effective because you wouldn`t normally see a hospital this empty this creates suspense and confusion.  This shot angle is a wide shot. The focus is on the two girls who are whispering to each other and the girl in the background isn`t as focused on. The shot is effective because the g

characters in long form drama -The Killing

In this scene Sarah Lund, the detective is shown as being serious and concentrating. This is shown through the angel that the shot was taken because it is taken from the side so you can`t see the whole of her face. It also shows that she is focusing on something that she has seen. We know that she is important to this scene because she is the main focus because we can only see her and the camera has zoomed in on her to create a mid – shot The close up of Sarah Lund shows that she might be worried or concerned about something. This is shown when she isn’t looking directly at the camera. She is also showing little emotion which could suggest that she is a secretive person and she has to keep things a secret and private from everyone else which means that she can’t show how she is feeling. This shows mystery because we want to find out more. The two shot shows that they have found something and they are suspicious about. This is shown when the detective is looking down