opening sequence and M-E-S -Baby driver

                                   BABY DRIVER                                             

POSITIONING. The positioning of this shot shows the three people are working undercover because of what they are wearing. You can also tell that they are working together because they are wearing the same things. This creates a sub genre of secrecy because they are all wearing things that cover their face and mouth.

EXPRESSION. The expression on the womens face shows that she is shocked or suprised by something.because it looks like she is gasping also she is not looking at the camera which could show that she is distracted by something. This creates the sub genre of shock and surprise because of her expression on her face.

PROPS.The prop that has been used in this shot is a car. This helps to create the sub genre of action because of the car chase and it creates suspense and action because of the past pace and the speed.

SETTING. The setting in this shot is of a long road. The sub genre could be suspense because you can see the police lights in the mirror of the car and you can see that they are being chased however the road ahead is out of focus. This setting is important because this is where the car chase happens.

COSTUME. The costume of the man is made to look like he doesn`t care and he is too distracted by his headphones and listening to music. The costume could also show that he is popular and fashionable because of the sunglasses. The sub genre could be humor because he is a funny character and is jokey. This gives the appearance of verisimilitude because you don`t actually know what he is really like and he is only acting this way to give a certain perspective of himself.

LIGHTING.The lighting in this shot is dark however we can see the lights of the car behind. This makes it seem like the car is being chased. The darkness could also show that it is at night or in the evening when it is dark. The sub genre in this shot is action because it looks like the car is being chased and that it is moving at high speed.

SETTING.The setting in this shot is a multi- storey car par. This can be used to show the sub genre of secrecy because it looks like the car is trying to hide because there are no other cars there so t could be trying not to be found or caught.

HAIR AND MAKE UP. The hair and make up of the women shows that she is important this is shown through the serious expression that is on her face, this can also show that she has power. The sub genre of this shot could be mystery because she is wearing sunglasses inside a car which you wouldn`t normally expect. This creates mystery because you can`t see the whole of her face. It also creates mystery because you don`t know why she is in the car or where she is going.

ACTING. In this shot. it shows people with guns and another person with their hands in the air.This shows that the person is innocent but we also do not know why the `spys` want to shoot the person. This creates a sub genre of horror because the shooting was unexpected and surprising.


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