opening sequence and narrative theory for `Hanna` and `Sixth sense`

I think that the trailer for hanna, follows the narrative theory of the Enigma code because it creates mystery and suspense because we only see her kill the deer but we don`t know why she wanted to kill it and also at the end it ends with a close up of a gun shot and this creates mystery because we want to know what she shot. The trailer also creates mystery because you wouldn`t expect a girl that young to do that.

Sixth sense

I also think that the trailer for Sixth sense shows the enigma code because it creates mystery through the fact that the video itself is short because of the long introduction and it creates mystery because the lighting is dark and shadowy and we only see the women take a bottle of wine but we are not shown anything else. This creates mystery because we want to know what she is doing with the bottle of wine because it could suggest that she is an alcoholic and also because it is so dark and she appears to be alone and by herself.


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